Love is in the air!

Winter is a time of blustery winds, warm blankets, and book friends to fill your heart.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Mea Culpa

Once again I have come to visit the Spellroom and find I have been AWOL for nine months!!! 

But I shouldn't be surprised, I went to see one of my specialists yesterday. I thought I was a year and a half late for my six month follow-up visit. When I arrived I was surprised to see that the office had moved to another floor. I commented on the nice new digs to the nurse who gave me a strange look and said they've been in them for over five years.

Five Years!!!

So now I have to see him next month and the month after. (Good thing he is a silver fox.)

But I have digressed.

Back in the Spellroom . . . over the months I have thought of many things to write about. I have jotted notes, I have composed articles in my mind, but shame on me, I have not come here to write them.

I have been busy with the two babies-turned-toddlers, putting out two new books, and knitting seven sweaters and dozens of mittens, but that doesn't excuse my neglect of the blog.

Barnes & Noble:

So here I am, begging anyone kind enough to read my ramblings to forgive me and hang in there. I will try to hang onto time's tail feathers while I write my books, knit, and write blog posts. 

Wish me luck, my friends.

1 comment:


    Jane Aschtgen Bowen <3
