Love is in the air!

Winter is a time of blustery winds, warm blankets, and book friends to fill your heart.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Fare Thee Well, Annette

And now it's time to say goodbye to one of our family . . . (To paraphrase the old farewell song.)

Even though we had never met, Annette played a big part in my life. She was the big sister I always wanted. She could sing, dance, and people loved her. I watched her as a Babe in Toy Land, she had adventures with Zorro, she was a girl with spunk and heart.

When I learned how to read I devoured a Golden Book fiction series in which Annette was the heroine. Oh the adventures we went on in those chapter books! Annette taught me that a girl could have adventures. 

Then we met Frankie Avalon and spent summers singing and dancing on the beach. (Well, they did, while I watched them in a nice air conditioned movie theater while I ate Raisonettes.)

After my children came along Annette shared her favorite peanut butter with me.

It is with great joy that I remember what Annette meant to a lonely little girl and great sadness that I say goodbye.

This is my favorite MMC memory of Annette.

Rest in Peace, Annette.

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